Documents associated with T. M. Yakhno

Order, 20.02.1992
of the acting director of the IIS assigning research topics to the Institute subdivisions
Chart, 25.01.1995(?)
Visit Programme, 20.06.1978
Report, 11.07.1978
Congratulation, A. S. Narin'yany ->A.P. Ershov..., 18.04.1981
from Novosibirsk colleagues, "coffee-clubbers". (With a hand-written Ershov's explanatory remark addressed to his mother. The list of authors does not contain persons not identified by their signatures.)
Article, 20.09.1995
"ICL recruits Russian know-how", September 20, 1995.
Article, 14.09.1995
"IPC turns to Siberia for help", "Computing" journal, September 14, 1995.
e-mail, T.M. Yakhno->N.A. Cheremnykh, 30.03.2000
A lyrical congratulatory note to the collective of the IIS SB RAS on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary.
List, 24.01.1978
Item 6. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Memo, 10.02.1975
Minutes ¹1, 05.01.1995
Minutes ¹4, 07.02.1994
Minutes ¹2, 28.01.1992
Minutes ¹4, 11.02.1992
"Production Systems"
Extract, 14.02.1995
Minutes ¹5, 18.02.1992
Order #1, 10.01.1994
of the IIS director assigning research topics to the Institute subdivisions
Development of technologies for construction of intellectual systems for planning and paperwork automation

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