Documents associated with Anthony Ralston

First Announcement, 13.03.1975
of the IFIP INFOPOL-76 Conference on Information Processing
Information, 01.01.1970(?)
on Nominees for ACM Counsil 1970. A biographical data and an election statement of each contender are represented.
Information letter, J-P. Kahane->Program Commitee Members, 26.08.1983
on further activities on symposium preparation
Letter with Enclosure, A. Ralston->A.P. Ershov, 26.09.1983
Enclosed are proposals on the symposium scheduling
Item 8. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, 20.04.1972
The ACM secretary sends the ballot for ACM election for the President, Vice-President, etc. Biographical sketches and pictures of candidates are enclosed. Ballots must be received not later than May 22.
"ICMI Symposium on Mathematics. Computers and Computation"
"The Development of a Multi-Campus Regional Computing Center" by R.C.Lesser, A.Ralston.

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