Documents associated with Yoshihiko Futamura

Letter, Y. Futamura->A.P. Ershov, 28.04.1986
about a special issue of the journal "New Generation Computing" on mixed computation planned for the next year; A.P. Ershov is invited to be one of its guest editors
Letter, S. Sato->A.P. Ershov, 08.05.1986
a special issue on "Knowledge Representation" is being forwarded to A.P. Ershov
Article, 01.01.1982(?)
"Partial Computation of Programs" containing references to Ershov's works on partial evaluation (p.29)
Presentation, 01.01.1983(?)
Application for A.N. Krylov Prize nomination (hand-written and type-written copies)
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->Y. Futamura, 12.06.1986
about positive reply to Futamura's letter
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Y. Futamura, 07.07.1986
fully supports the idea of a special issue on mixed computation, informs about plans to hold a workshop on mixed computation and suggests to relate these initiatives; a list of potential authors is attached
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Y. Futamura, 19.01.1978
Article (handwritten), 09.10.1980
"On Futamura projections". Written in Tokyo for "BIT" journal
Letter, Y. Futamura->A.P. Ershov, 20.07.1986
thanks A.P. Ershov for his letter of July, 7, encloses a copy of the letter to Mr. Moriwaki and asks to give comments about it (the letter is about resheduling of the special issue of NGC)
Contents, 29.02.1988
of a Special Issue on Partial and Mixed Computation; a letter to authors with a request for final manuscripts is attached
Article, 02.10.1980
"On Futamura projections"
by Yo. Futamura.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Y. Futamura, 06.07.1986
In reply to the letter of 28.04.86, the author supports the addressee's idea to publish a special issue of the journal "New Generation Computing" on mixed computation, informs of another similar initiatives. /Handwritten text./
Letter, Anders Haraldsson->A.P. Ershov, 05.01.1978
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Y. Futamura, 07.08.1986
A.P. Ershov is "happy that NGC and WPMC will be a joint venture" and makes some suggestions to the text of "Call for papers"
Letter, M. Miyakawa->A.P. Ershov, 21.07.1987
with the author's impressions on his visit to the USSR.
of some Workshop participants
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Anders Haraldsson, 06.02.1978
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Y. Futamura, 01.03.1988
The author thanks for the letter of February 3 and asks to return the text of his key-note speech to make it clear to republish in Springer Proceedings on P&MC. (Handwritten and typewritten variants)
Letter, A. A. Bulyonkova (Ershova)->Y. Futamura, 17.12.1987
The letter is written at the instance of A.Ershov by his daughter. She informs about his forthcoming return in Novosibirsk and the following immediate sending of the article for "The Computer Software". (Handwritten and typewritten texts.)

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