Documents associated with Janet Mitchell

Letter, 15.02.1986
technical information for the authors of Proceedings of the WC
Letter, 01.10.1987(?)
Letter on a Form, S. Smit->D. Bjorner, 26.04.1988
The author informs of change of the deadline for a publication of the proceedings on Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation. The copy of this letter is sent to A.Ershov.
Letter on a Form, J. Mitchell->A. Rasmussen, 17.11.1987
The author informs of dispatching the all typing kits to the individual authors who should return their complete article to the addressee no later than 1 January 1988.
Letter on a Form, S. Smit->A. Rasmussen, 17.11.1987
The author thanks for the letter of 11th Novemberand the enclosed addresses of the authors. She wants to know the date she can expect to receive the complete manuscripts for publication.

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