Documents associated with Olga L. Perevozchikova

Item 2. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 3. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, O. L. Perevozchikova->A.P. Ershov..., 14.02.1973
Request to send the BETA system report; the author thinks that it could be useful in the development of an experimental parametric system.
Notification, V. P. Breev->A.P. Ershov, 18.05.1979
on the next meeting (Kiev, June 1979) of the Provisional Commission.
Postcard, G. E.Tseitlin ->A.P. Ershov..., 16.01.1985
Congratulations and best wishes from automatic programming department of the Institute of Cybernetics of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Item 133. (Name does not exist in this language.)

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