Documents associated with Nikolai Anatolievich Zaritsky

Letter, N. A. Zaritsky->G. I. Marchuk, 20.03.1977
The author asserts that the Mathematical Linguistic is "hindered" in our country.
Manuscript Sketches, 20.03.1977(?)
on "lack of general and special mathematical culture".
List, 11.09.1970
Responsive Documents, G. I. Marchuk->V. L. Makarov..., 29.03.1977-13.04.1977
to the Zaritski's letter: G.I.Marchuk's resolution on a standard control card and a note instructing to consider the issue.
Comment, 20.10.1977
on Zaritski's letter.
Seminar /S-05, 01.10.1970
Seminar /S-06, 15.10.1970
Seminar BETA/S-09, 26.11.1970
Seminar BETA/S-10, 10.12.1970
Seminar BETA/S-11, 24.12.1970
Seminar BETA/S-18, 25.02.1971
Note, N. A. Zaritsky->A.P. Ershov, 20.09.1976
Letter, 18.02.1969
Letter, V. P. Kochergin->K. V. Tobolev, 20.05.1970(?)
Note, N. A. Zaritsky->A.P. Ershov, 29.12.1973
More exact wording of the second point of the conditions concerning reviewing works in formal gramars theory
Note, N. A. Zaritsky->A.P. Ershov, 06.01.1976
Note, N. A. Zaritsky->A.P. Ershov, 01.01.1975
Are there any difficulties on account of the last talk?

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