Documents associated with A. A. Morozov

Item 2. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, 17.02.1982
about the decision of the Scientific Councel of the USSR SBAS Computing Center to nominate A.P. Ershov for the status of a Full Member of the USSR Academy of Educational Sciences
Extract from the minutes, 12.02.1982
of the meeting of the Scientific Council of the USSR SBAS Computing Center concerning nomination of A.P. Ershov for the status of a Full Member of the USSR Academy of Educational Sciences
Letter and Note with Attachment, 25.05.1979-28.05.1979
Internal correspondence of the USSR Ac. Sci. Siberian Branch with respect to the letter confirming possibility of chartering a ship for USSR participants of the IFIP 80 Congress in Tokyo, and the letter itself.
Notification, A. A. Morozov ->A.P. Ershov, 15.01.1980

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