Documents associated with Sergei A. Lebedev

Articles, 19.05.1991
in "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 19, May 1991: "Perspectives of System Informatics" and "A.P. Ershov Library"
Covering letter, E. N. Ilyina->S. A. Lebedev, 19.04.1971
Item 14. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Article, 03.05.1987
Item 18. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Translated letter (hand-written), J. Carr III->A.P. Ershov, 13.04.1959
Official invitation to read a series of lectures in the University of North Carolina
Review draft, 14.03.1960
on S.A. Lebedev's and M.R. Shura-Bura's report on M-20 computer
10 questions to A. Ershov (and draft), 30.03.1982
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->V. D. Shadrikov, 20.07.1986(?)
The author proposes to resume the work on Informatics manual for ninth and tenth classes of the secondary school.
Note, A.P. Ershov->G. I. Marchuk
summary of talks with Prof. McCarthy on AI problems, and withS.Lebedev and V.Burtsev on appointing Ershov head of "Gora" software project
Acceptance report, 25.12.1972(?)
on "Eskiz" project
Letter, A.P. Ershov->S. A. Lebedev, 20.07.1971
requesting assistance in hotel accommodation for Prof. A.Fredkin at the peak of tourist season
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->J. McCarthy, 30.07.1971
information concerning Fredkin’s visit
Letter, S. A. Lebedev ->G. I. Marchuk, 18.05.1970
Telegram, S. A. Lebedev ->G. I. Marchuk, 09.06.1967
Letter (hand-written), A.P. Ershov->N. Metropolis, 13.09.1974
supporting the idea and plan to organize an international conference on the history of computing, some sugestions on the subject
Telegram, S. A. Lebedev ->G. I. Marchuk, 16.06.1967
Draft, A.P. Ershov->S. A. Lebedev, 28.10.1972
greetings to S.Lebedev on the occasion of his 70th birthday anniversary
Letter, 27.10.1972
about S.A. Lebedev’s 70-th anniversary

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