Documents associated with Philippe Jorrand

Minutes, 21.11.1980
Report, 25.11.1992
of the Commission on validating the activities of the Institute of Informatics Systems: The results for the 1990-1992 period can be pronounced being up to high scientific level
Item 11. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Ph. Jorrand, 19.06.1986
Request to send preprints.
Item 12. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 20. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Working Notes, 10.12.1975-13.12.1975
Letter, Ph. Jorrand->I.V. Pottosin, 20.06.1990
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->S. A. Schuman, 13.08.1971
Confirmation of a telephone request for flight and hotel reservations.
Minutes ¹24, 15.09.1992
by Ph. Jorrand.
Minutes ¹30, 03.11.1992
Letter with attachment, Ph. Jorrand->o the members of IFIP WG 2.1, 21.06.1976
Invitation to the next meeting of IFIP/WG 2.1; enclosed is travel information and a map of the Grenoble region.
Letter with attachment, S. R. Bourne->o the members of IFIP WG 2.1, 02.08.1976
Information about the next WG2.1 meeting; enclosed is the meeting program
Letter with attachment, S. A. Schuman->o the members of IFIP WG 2.1, 01.06.1976
Invitation to take part in the next WG2.1 meeting "The Role of Specifications in Programming"; enclosed are some explanatory remarks and a form to be filled and returned
Telegram, S. A. Schuman->A.P. Ershov, 13.08.1971

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