Documents associated with Vladimir M. Kurochkin

Letter, 08.10.1958
about publishing a collection of papers on automatic programming translated into Russian
Ñontract ¹ 2402, 16.01.1959
of editing, publication and reprint of the collected translations "Automatic programming"
Item 1. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 1. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Minutes, 09.09.1983
Paper, 17.06.1958
"On some problems of automated programming" (handwritten)
Report, 28.12.1959
of the USSR AS Computing Center's Lboratory of Tasks Preparation and Programming "On flowgraph representation of Janov schemata"
Decision, 28.04.1976
of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology to organize the Provisional Commission on ALGOL 68.
List of addresses and telephones, 28.04.1976(?)
of the Provisional Commission members and participants.
Article, 01.03.1958
"A programming program for Strela-3 computer"
Experts' decision, 25.11.1969
"BESM-Algol system"
Notification, B.M. Schedrin->A.P. Ershov, 13.11.1959
of including the talk to the agenda of the All-Union Conference in computer mathematics and computer technology.
Paper, 17.06.1958
"On some problems of automated programming" (typewritten)
Information letter, Organizing Committee->A.P. Ershov, 19.04.1967
on the working Conference of the MCAPG and APLEIPG groups in Bulgaria. Enclosed are the program and map with directions to the conference site
Item, 10.04.1966(?)
"Integer labels in Algol" published in "The journal of ahematical physics", Vol.6, #4
Order, N. S. Egorov->A.P. Ershov..., 25.01.1974
Direction, 29.03.1971
Item 3. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Minutes, 25.11.1980

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