Documents associated with Lev M. Shurukht

Paper, 15.07.1969
to review
Paper, 21.07.1969
to review
Item 6. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Session J
V.P.Ivannikov et al: "ND-69 OS for BESM-6"; N.Govorun et al: "DUBNA monitoring system for BESM-6"; E.A.Zhogolev, Kabanov: "UNIOS-68 OS pronciples"; V.Afinogenov et al: "OS for BESM-4"; I.Belokurskaya, N.Kushnerov, M.Nemenman: "Main functions of Minsk-32 dispatcher"; A.Liakh, M.Margolin, M.Skoromnik "Implementation of an OS for Minsk-23 computer"; E.Mochalin, L.Shurukht: "Software information retrieval service based on edge-perforated cards techniquie"
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->M. R. Shura-Bura, 04.12.1969
Request to confirm reception of the VKP-2 information
Letter, V. Karrask ->A.P. Ershov, 29.12.1969
The paper is sent
Note, 04.02.1970
1. What will be a solution of a problem of informing the users about all the detail of various, qualitatively and quantitatively growing software tools of 70ies? 2. It is known that computers still have not replaced a slide-rule in engineer's hands. Will automated information systems and software systems in particular replace similar manual systems in the nearest future? Will, in discussion participant's opinion, the works in this direction stay topical, in particular - works in the direction of perfection of programmers' personal skills? 7.02.70 L.Shurukht, Moscow
"Software information retrieval service based on edge-perforated cards techniquie"
Letter, A.P. Ershov->L. M. Shurukht, 15.08.1969
Letter, A.P. Ershov->L. M. Shurukht, 22.12.1969
Letter, L. M. Shurukht->A.P. Ershov, 30.11.1969
The author asks for an official letter to his organization requesting to supply VKP-2 with participants' forms. From his part, the author promises to do his best to organize participants registration, information processing, etc.
Questionnaire, 01.01.1970
Claim for participation, E. D. Mochalin ->A.P. Ershov..., 22.07.1969
3 participants

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