Documents associated with Vladislav P. Shirikov Paper to review
Paperto review
Session BO.K. Daugavet et al:"Translator from SIMULA simulation language into Algol-60"; S.S. Kamynin. E.Z. Liubimskiy, V.L. Ushkova "A universal programming scheme"; V.M. Kurochkin et al:"BESM-Algol system"; S.A. Romanenko, V.F. Turchin: "REFAL compiler"; N.N. Govorun et al: "On software for the measuring and computing system OIYI-Dubna"; S.V. Briskina, L.F. Lebedev, L.I. Luneva "Modification of an IPM autocode translating program for M-220"; B.A. Kniazev, A.I. Maklakov: "Unified implementation of I/O procedures for ALGAMS and FORTRAN languages"; M.G. Gonza "On one parametric translating system"
Session JV.P.Ivannikov et al: "ND-69 OS for BESM-6"; N.Govorun et al: "DUBNA monitoring system for BESM-6"; E.A.Zhogolev, Kabanov: "UNIOS-68 OS pronciples"; V.Afinogenov et al: "OS for BESM-4"; I.Belokurskaya, N.Kushnerov, M.Nemenman: "Main functions of Minsk-32 dispatcher"; A.Liakh, M.Margolin, M.Skoromnik "Implementation of an OS for Minsk-23 computer"; E.Mochalin, L.Shurukht: "Software information retrieval service based on edge-perforated cards techniquie"
Review, 18.11.1974Letter, V. P. Shirikov->A.P. Ershov, 18.12.1978 Letter, V. M. Kurochkin ->Y.I. Shokin..., 12.11.1992 Analysis of activities and prospects of the Institute of Informatics Systems. The authors consider it inexpedient to merge the Institute with any other SBRAS institution, and are sure of the necessity of its existence as independent academic institution. The letter is signed by 15 persons
Fragment, 10.01.1975Decision, A. V. Fedotov->A.P. Ershov..., 15.09.1978 Letter, A.P. Ershov->V. P. Shirikov, 26.11.1979 Covering letter (hand-written), V. P. Shirikov->A.P. Ershov, 28.08.1974 Letter, N. N. Govorun ->A.P. Ershov, 02.07.1974 Decision, 28.03.1978-30.03.1978 of the All-Union Meeting "Computer Elements of Library Science", March 28-20, 1978, Moscow. Enclosed is the list of participants
Letter, V. P. Shirikov->A.P. Ershov, 08.06.1977Letter, V. P. Shirikov->A.P. Ershov, 10.01.1975 Thanks for being a well-disposed opponent at the thesis defense; apologies for the delay of sending the speech text
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