Documents associated with Eduard A. Trkhtengerts

Letter, M. Gonta->A.P. Ershov, 17.01.1979
Request to give an opportunity to present at the Department's seminar the dissertation "Multilingual translating processors". Reqiest to Ershov to be the official opponent in case of favorable appraisal
Item 4. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Experts' decision, 25.06.1969
"An operating system for control computer with small memory"
Session Z
L.Kalinichenko, V.Moskalenko: "Analysis of a time-sharing system's characteristics by imitation modelling"; M.Alekseevskiy,E.Popov: "On main memory allocation for special-purpose computers"; V.Hisamutdinov, V.Legon'kov: "A dataware system"; Vilenkin, Movshovich, Trakhtengerz "An operating system for control computer with small memory"; Voskresenskiy et al: "A specialized administrative system ACS"; Kaganov, Levchenko: "M-220 computer as the element of a computer system"; V.Afinogenov: "Dynamic priority setting at quantum problem solving on digital computers"; V.Matulis, P.Rumshas: "On complex programs structure"
Letter, A. A. Voronov->A.P. Ershov, 30.10.1969
The paper is sent
"An operating system for control computer with small memory"
Questionnaire, 01.01.1970

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