Documents associated with Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Notice, A. T. Gainov->A.P. Ershov, 13.12.1962
Regulations, 07.04.1962
Notice, 23.02.1963
Notice, A. T. Gainov->A.P. Ershov, 19.06.1963
Cjvering letter with attachment, A.P. Ershov->Kohler..., 20.12.1961
Announcement, 16.03.1962
Notice, A. T. Gainov->A.P. Ershov, 21.05.1963
Decision, 24.05.1966
of the Symposium on computer systems held by the Institute of Mathematics(Novosibirsk).
Decision, 26.07.1977-28.07.1977
of the All-Union Conference "Problems of effectiveness increase of business controlsystems in industry" (Novosibirsk, June 26-28, 1977)
Notice, A. T. Gainov->A.P. Ershov, 07.09.1963
Letter, S. L. Sobolev->A.P. Ershov, 16.06.1977
Instructions, S. L. Sobolev->A.P. Ershov, 01.02.1962
to A.P. Ershov for participation in the 2nd IFIP Congress
Notice, N. N. Merenkov->A.P. Ershov, 27.06.1982
Notice, 20.02.1986
of session of the special dissertation board of the Institute of Mathematics
Notice, N. N. Merenkov->A.P. Ershov, 05.07.1982
Letter, A. I. Shirshov->A.P. Ershov, 13.05.1963
Postcard, S. L. Sobolev->A.P. Ershov, 11.05.1967
Notice, N. N. Merenkov->A.P. Ershov, 14.10.1982
Notice, E. A. Palyutin->A.P. Ershov, 18.01.1983
Covering Letter, V. L. Makarov->A.P. Ershov, 26.11.1979
to O.Bandman's, S.Piskunov's and S.Sergeev's paper.

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