Documents associated with American Data Processing, Inc

Letter, 12.05.1969
solving misunderstanding concerning payment for monograph copies sent
Item 27. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 30. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Accounts receivable copy, 11.04.1970
Letter, M. V. Sullivan->A.P. Ershov, 08.05.1969
A proposition to extend subscription to Data Processing Monographs at a lower price.
Letter with attachment, G. G. Wells->A.P. Ershov, 29.05.1969
A suggestion to subscribe to Computer Digest at a lower price; an order form is attached.
Letter with attachement, 06.06.1969
Urgent request to pay for a 1 year subscription; an envelope for reply is attached.
Invoice, 03.09.1969
Letter, 26.12.1968
Invoice, 05.08.1968
Invoice, 30.10.1970
Renewal notice, 09.12.1968
Invoice, 18.12.1968
Invoice, 20.12.1968(?)

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