Documents associated with ALGOL Bulletin

Statement, 20.03.1964
on new ALGOL Bulletin. (Marked as "Appendix B".)
Letter, A. S. Douglas->F. G. Duncan, 07.01.1972
confirming the arrangements made with regard to the ALGOL Bulletin. (Attachment ¹2 to the minutes of the 14th TC-2 meeting.)
Lettter, S. Prato->E. L. Harder, 13.08.1972
concerning financial problems of the ALGOL Bulletin. (Attachment ¹3 to the minutes of the 14th TC-2 meeting.)
Accounts, 15.12.1978
of ALGOL Bulletin for 1976, July to 1978, December (doc. "Baden-20").
Letter, S. S. Lavrov->F. G. Duncan, 12.03.1969
Author acknowledges the receipt of the Algol Bulletin 30 and encloses a copy of the corrected list for AB distribution in the USSR.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->F. G. Duncan, 28.09.1964

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