Documents associated with International Organization for Standardization

Minutes, 14.09.1964-01.10.1964
(unconfirmed) of the 4th Meeting of the Working Group. Both draft and final texts of the Minutes and also various papers attached to them.
Letter, J. M. Bennett->M. Paul, 27.04.1979
of IFIP Trustee to the TC-2 Chairman concerning current problems of the Committee and its interaction with TC-2, ISO and North-Holland Publishing House (doc. "Venice-2").
Letter with Attachments, 14.02.1979
Circular letter from E.Neuhold to TC-2 members on plans as to the next TC meeting in Warsaw. The form for answer to invitation is attached. The author informs also about some subjects discussed at the Baden session of TC and attached as a piece of information on them the Liason Report by T.Steel concerning TC-2 and Subcommittee 16 of the ISO Technical Committee 97.
Letter with an attachment, Ch. H. Lindsey->A.P. Ershov, 07.10.1981
The letter to the members of the ALGOL 68 Subgroup of the ALGOL Experts Group of ISO which considers problems of the language standartisation. "A Proto-Draft-Standard for ALGOL 68" is attached. The letter has manuscript remarks of Ershov.
Letter, Ch. H. Lindsey->A.P. Ershov, 08.02.1983
on problems of voting in ISO for ALGOL 68 standardisation.
Letter, Ch. H. Lindsey->A.P. Ershov, 30.04.1983
on voting in ISO for standardisation of ALGOL 68 and on participation of the USSR in the ballot.
Letter with attachments, Ch. H. Lindsey->A.P. Ershov, 07.09.1983
Letter on failure of ISO voting for ALGOL 68 standardisation. Ballot results and new voting rules are attached.
Letter, Ch. H. Lindsey->A.P. Ershov, 03.08.1981
on current problems concerning standardization of Algol 68.

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