Documents associated with VDNKh Exhibition of the USSR National Economy Progress

Leaflets, 25.06.1987
on teaching program released for the exhibition
Letter, D. Shanyavsky->Organizing Committee, 09.01.1965
Review, letter, notes, 15.05.1976
concerning the project "Automation system for economic problems programming"
Decision, 25.01.1985
on organization of the display "Computer technology in national education" at the USSR Exhibition of national Economy Progress (VDNKH)
List, 22.01.1985
of the Organizing committee members of the display "Computer technology in national education" at the USSR Exhibition of national Economy Progress (VDNKH)
Letter, 22.09.1969
Letter, 01.01.1968(?)
concerning the seminar on peripherals of domestic computers.
Letter, 18.01.1968
concerning the seminar on software for "Minsk" computers.
Item 77. (Name does not exist in this language.)

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