Documents associated with Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Informatics Department

Order, 13.03.1986
on forming the editorial board of the collection "Methods of program translation and construction"
Memo, A.P. Ershov->G. I. Marchuk, 16.05.1979
on some re-appointments of regular staff members of the laboratory of experimental informatics
Minutes, 29.02.1988
Scheme, 17.01.1978
of the report by a research fellow and senior engineer (enclosed is a handwritten draft)
of required busines trips for the laboratory in 1978, and the number of man-weeks for acceptance of foreign scientists in the framework of non-currency scientifis exchange woth USA, Bulgaria and ChSSR
Justification, 10.04.1987
Article, 05.05.1984
"Portable Working Mix as a Kernel of PC Software" for the collection "Personal Computers in Informatics Problems"
Table, 28.06.1976
Item 9. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Proposals, 29.02.1988
Resolution, 29.11.1978
of the Computing Center's Party Bureau commission on the work of the group of school informatics
Information, 05.01.1979
on the work of the group of school informatics
Allocation plan, 24.09.1974
for the staff of Ershov's and Pottosin's laboratories
Agenda and the list of participants, 01.09.1978
of the meeting of high-school programming teachers (at Ershov's office)
Plan, 24.08.1979
of Ershov's talk with Yu.Pervin
Plan, 05.12.1978
of Yu.Pervin's talk (at the department meeting?)

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