Documents associated with Physical and Technical Institute of Ural Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Science

Letter, A.P. Ershov->N. N. Nepeivoda, 11.02.1985
The author recommends a name of the addressee's work and makes remarks on it.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->V. A. Trapeznikov, 11.02.1985
The author confirms the Nikolai N. Nepeivoda's readiness to a competition for a degree of a Doctor of Science and recommends two variants of a title of his doctoral thesis.
Experts' decision, 27.03.1984
on the paper "Proof transformations as program transformations" by N.N. Nepeivoda
Letter, V. A. Trapeznikov->A.P. Ershov, 01.04.1985
The author informs that the theme of the doctoral dissertation by Nikolai N. Nepeivoda is confirmed taking into consideration the addressee's recommendations. He invites A.Ershov to visit Izhevsk.

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