Documents associated with V. A. Nepomniaschy

Review, 26.05.1982
Minutes ¹1, 14.11.1995
Minutes ¹13, 23.06.1993
Minutes ¹12, 14.04.1992
Minutes ¹24, 19.12.1995
Minutes ¹1, 19.12.1995
Letter, A.P. Ershov->V. M. Savinkov, 13.11.1985
The author informs about a possible mistake in choice of him as reviewer of an article by V.A. Nepomniaschy. He recommends other reviewers. /Handwritten text./
Letter, A.P. Ershov->G. I. Marchuk, 24.07.1975
request to present to the DAN an article by Nepomniashy; request for assistance in organization of a visit to England
Minutes ¹14, 28.04.1992
Character reference, 28.03.1969
Minutes ¹16, 02.06.1992
Minutes ¹1, 21.09.1993
Direction, M.F. Zhukov->A.P. Ershov..., 02.03.1977
Minutes ¹18, 30.06.1992
Letter and Manuscript Remarks, A.P. Ershov->H. D. Mills..., 25.12.1979(?)
Manuscript remarks by V.Nepomniaschy to the H.D.Mills' paper and A.Ershov's letter containing translation of these remarks.
Minutes ¹22, 30.11.1993
Minutes ¹23, 07.12.1993
Letter, A.P. Ershov->P. Burnev, 15.04.1978
in replu to the letter of 06.03.1978: trying to correct misunderstanding with Kasianov's invitation; Ershov's visit is planned for May, 1979
Minutes ¹23, 08.09.1992
Minutes ¹24, 21.12.1993

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