Documents associated with G. I. Kozhukhin

on the work of S.G.Drobyshevich.
Item 6. (Name does not exist in this language.)
AIST/3 Working note, 01.06.1966
"AIST-0 time sharing system pilot project" (typewritten draft)
Notes, 22.08.1967
titled "Yanov schemata with similar operators"
Photograph, 01.12.1970(?)
A.Ershov and G.Kozhukhin
Obituary, 21.03.1972-25.03.1972
On the sudden death on March 14, 1972, of the department head of System Programming Design Office G.I.Kozhukhin
Authors' Abstract
"Input language for the system of automatic programming" publushed in the "Digital Computer Programming"
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->V. K. Levin, 26.02.1970
Letter, A.P. Ershov->L. V. Ovsyannikov, 15.03.1971
in support of G.Kozhukhin who was dismissed from being a university students' scientific adviser on the formal grounds of not having an academic degree
Draft, 25.06.1960
of the preliminary report on the Input language titled "A new text skeleton"
Article, 23.03.1965-02.04.1965
"Overview of ALPHA language features" (handwritten)
on the work of G.I.Babetsky.
Seminar BETA/S-07, 29.10.1970
Shorthand Record, 09.07.1971
of a discussion on various problems of programming.
Seminar BETA/S-08, 19.11.1970
on the work of G.S.Bogdanova.
Personal work plan
of junior research fellow G.Kozhukhin for the 1st quarter of 1964
of members of scientific and technical board of the Computing Center's Informatics department

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