Documents associated with Gennadii Dmitrievich Chinin

Thesis of the paper
Telegram, I.V. Pottosin->E. L. Yuschenko..., 01.02.1982
Letter, V.N. Nekuryaschev->A.P. Ershov, 17.06.1985
on improvement of N.Yunerman's housing conditions
Letter, A. A. Baehrs->M. Gonta..., 15.01.1975
about the conference on the problems of compilers construction; enclosed is the list of invited participants
Item 7. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Report, 24.10.1977
on the system analysis of "Pravda" editorial and publishing center and its production process (handwritten)
Act, 04.07.1977
Paper, 06.04.1977
"Design Specifications of a Quality Compiler Factory", initial English version
Reviewer's Report, G. D. Chinin->A.P. Ershov, 01.02.1980
by G.Chinin on R.Larson's paper.
Requirements specification, 11.07.1977(?)
for VCKP software component: FORTRAN compiler
Direction, 27.10.1980
Conclusion (project), 17.02.1982
Requirements specification, 11.07.1977(?)
for VCKP software component: COBOL compiler
Memo, A.P. Ershov->G. D. Chinin, 24.06.1983
Request to use the institute's conference hall for Anniversary Seminar
Paper, 23.05.1977
"Design Specifications of a Quality Compiler Factory", English version proof-read by C. Koster, to be published in the IFIP conference proceedings
Reference, 03.12.1984
on the Pilot Project of the MRAMOR 2nd stage
Telegram, G. I. Marchuk->S. A. Kozyrev, 29.01.1979
Petition, A.P. Ershov->V.M. Monahov..., 08.05.1984
for registering N.Yunerman as a Ph.D. candidate at the NIISIMO
Item 8. (Name does not exist in this language.)

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