Documents associated with Igor Maksimovich Bobko

Review, 12.03.1973
Shorthand Record, 10.11.1984(?)
Resolution, 31.05.1977
on forming an Interim Commission for elaboration of proposals on introduction datamanagement program complexes to automated control systems
of members of scientific and technical board of the Computing Center's Informatics department
Item 9. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Working plan, 25.11.1980
Item 9. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Minutes, 25.11.1980
Item 10. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Notifications, V. P. Kochergin->I.V. Pottosin..., 01.03.1972(?)
Agenda, 01.04.1982
List, 04.06.1986(?)
of 21 names; untitled, handwritten
Item 11. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Order, 06.12.1963
On production exploitation of ALPHA-compiler
Extract, 10.12.1969(?)
List, 11.06.1986
List, 18.06.1986(?)
Letter, J. McCarthy->A.P. Ershov, 16.03.1986
The answer by John McCarthy to the Ershov's "Christmas letter".

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