Documents associated with Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Reference, A.P. Ershov->Yu. I. Mitrofanov, 03.02.1978
Socialist obligations (draft), 21.12.1977
Theses (draft), 01.02.1980
of the statement at the Computing Center's Scientific council regarding departure of G.I. Marchuk
Order, 23.10.1987
On alteratons in view of the letter by SB AS Presidium on the procedure of wage fund allocation
Preprint, 24.06.1977
"Programming systems for mini- and microcomputers"; the text was used in preparation of Ershov's presentation at the Congress
Requirements specification, 11.07.1977(?)
for VCKP software component: FORTRAN compiler
Proposals, 05.02.1971
Shorthand Record, 26.04.1982
Information, 19.06.1986
Justification, 11.06.1986
Notice, A. T. Gainov->A.P. Ershov, 07.12.1964
Minutes, 24.12.1969
Contract # 3, 14.03.1967
Table, 01.10.1973(?)
Letter, G. R. Kontarev->A.P. Ershov
Personal plan, 01.10.1968-01.10.1971
Visit Programme, 15.06.1971-15.07.1971
Notification, 30.03.1977
Letter, A. S. Alekseev->A.P. Ershov, 01.10.1983(?)
Letter, G.A.Pankeev->A. S. Alekseev, 18.10.1988

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