Documents associated with Igor Maksimovich Bobko

Direction, G. Aliev->A. A. Parshukov, 23.08.1985
Coordinating Plan, 28.04.1987
Letter, H. F. Sherwood->A.P. Ershov, 07.07.1979
The author relates on his domestic affairs. He will be glad to meet the addressee in Kopenhagen the next automn. He discusses also the plans for "discovering Russia" in future.
Agenda, 07.02.1983
Memo, 20.03.1969-24.03.1969
Memo, A.P. Ershov->V. A. Koptyug, 15.03.1983
Draft of the official response of the Computing Center administration to the anonymous letter concerning deputy director V.E. Kotov, prepared at the instance of the Chairman of SBAS V.A. Koptiug
Socialist obligations, 18.01.1964
of work collective of the Institute of Mathematics and Computing Center for 1964
Item 5. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Reference, 20.04.1984
on Yu.A. Pervin's scientific work
Project, 03.10.1986
Note, I. M. Bobko->A.P. Ershov
Covering Letter, A.P. Ershov->I. M. Bobko, 01.09.1983
Outline, 12.05.1978
Notifications, V. P. Kochergin->I.V. Pottosin..., 15.08.1971
Decision, 01.06.1988
Minutes, 23.11.1973
Agenda, 18.11.1980
Item 7. (Name does not exist in this language.)
List, 13.01.1988
of the members of Interdepartmental Committee
Character reference, 01.01.1964
in connection with the trip to Austria for participation in the IFIP Algol Working Group meeting as the USSR representative and for participation in the IFIP Symposium; the trip to France to the conference held by the B. Pascal Institute and for studying the works in programming at the Gumbolt Center of the University of Grenoble

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