Documents associated with Vadim E. Kotov

Article, 26.01.1981
"Parallel programming"
Item 7. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter (hand-written), M. Miyakawa->A.P. Ershov, 24.01.1985
Congratulations to Ershov on occasion of the Krylov Prize award and of the election to the USSR Academy of Sciences. Condolence on occasion of Zvenigorodsky's death. The author relates on his current affairs, he is ready to assist in obtaining a visa.
Letter, V. V. Prziyalkovsky->V. E. Kotov, 16.07.1985
Working Notes, 08.05.1986
for the TV program "Towards the new generation computers"
Summary, 18.10.1983
Note, A.P. Ershov->E. N. Ilyina, 01.10.1983(?)
the list of things to do (for the secretary doing the paper work)
Letter, D. Bjorner->A.P. Ershov, 17.07.1986
about his plans to visit his colleagues in Moscow and Novosibirsk; the proposed itinerary and seminar abstracts are attached
Technical Research Report, 31.03.1988
for prototype MARS system
Letter, V. E. Kotov->Yu. P. Zuikov..., 22.07.1985
Report, 26.06.1975
Direction, 05.11.1988
informing of the START venture termination, bonus distribution, and research continuation in the new-founded Institute of Informatics Systems
Cover sheet, 09.10.1982-06.01.1983
with the history of revisions (handwritten)
Letter, 17.04.1979
Minutes ¹19, 12.03.1991
Minutes ¹5, 02.10.1990
of members of scientific and technical board of the Computing Center's Informatics department
List, 02.01.1991
of works of special importance, performing which may justify additions to officical salaries in 1991 (2 variants, one of them in 2 copies)
Letter (draft), 03.10.1973
Direction, V. A. Kotelnikov->A.P. Ershov, 04.04.1974

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