IFIP/TC 2/WG 2.4
Letters with Attachments, 02.03.1987-23.03.1987
Covering letter for the Report of WG 2.4 to the St Pierre meeting of TC 2 and the responce to it, as well as this report itself. The latter includes the mailing list of the Group. (Doc. "St.Pierre-17".)
Letter with Attachment, B. A. Wichmann->M. Paul, 16.12.1980
Covering letter for the Report to the 27th TC 2 meeting on activities of WG 2.4, and the Report itself. The author informs also that he cannot attend the TC 2 meeting. (Doc. "Brussels-16".)
Report, 29.07.1974
of WG 2.4 "Machine-Oriented Higher-Level Languages" to TC-2.
Proposal, 29.07.1974
of Chairman W.A.Wulf to TC-2 for membership in WG 2.4.
Letter, M. Paul->A.P. Ershov, 27.04.1976
Request for a mail ballot on appointment of a new member of WG 2.4.
Letter, W. A. Wulf->A.P. Ershov, 27.03.1978

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