Software Projects
The ALPHA Project
ALPHA organizational management
of the duscussion of the work on the compiler with colleagues from other institutes
"Minsk-2" system of commands
Miscellaneous, 27.02.1961-28.03.1961
routine information
General comments, 07.07.1962
on the program debugging
Records, 25.12.1962(?)
Account of the programmers' working time
Reports, 21.09.1963-01.05.1964
on the project to the institute's administration
Order form, 03.12.1963
and a sample form for ALPHA compiler sent to the department of technical documents duplication
Order, 06.12.1963
On production exploitation of ALPHA-compiler
Memorandum, A.P. Ershov->G. I. Marchuk, 06.01.1965
requesting to give G.Kozhukhin and I. Pottosin a 50 RUR-bonus for implementin drum control in ALPHA-compiler
Notification, 29.01.1965-02.02.1965
of the seminar on programming automation for M-20 and its results
Item 3. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Memorandum, G.I. Kozhukhin->A.P. Ershov, 06.12.1967
on impossibility to continue work on the compiler debugging due to suspension of accepting programs for perforation
Office memo, A. S. Alekseev->G. I. Marchuk, 04.01.1970
on the results of production conference of the Computer Software Laboratory

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