Software Projects
The ALPHA Project
Collection of papers on ALPHA
В сборнике подробно описана основная часть АЛЬФА-системы - АЛЬФА-транслятор, программирующая программа, осуществлявшая перевод программ, написанных на Входном языке, в рабочие программы на языке машин М-20.
Internal language
It is unpractical to generate executable code directly from an Algol-like language; translation into Internal language results in a program more suitable for processing.
Input language
Input language is a certain extension of international programming language Algol 60. It is the base of the ALPHA system for program automation.
Doctoral thesis
The title of the work is "Some questions of the theory of programming and compiler designing". It substantiates and practically proves the possibility of building compilers for input langiages rich with expressive means even for medium-power computers and to obtain high-quality executables together with acceptable compilation speed.
ALPHA organizational management
Creation of the ALPHA system
The documents here reflect the work om the Input, intermediate and Internal languages, logging of the process of design, assembly, step-by-step execution and system debugging (on tests andactual tasks) in a series of ALPHA-books, and ALPHA compiler trial operation
Storage packing problem
Collaboration with NPO "Fakel"
Development of ALPHA-system for BESM-6 computer

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