Incoming mail (1987)
Card, P. V. Nesterov->A.P. Ershov, 19.11.1987
Congratulation on the seventieth anniversary of the Great October on behalf of the VINITI's collective.
Card, 27.10.1987
The BSSR State Library asks to send collected articles of Computer Center of SB AS USSR "Prikladnye metody informatiki" cash on delivery.
Covering cards, 15.07.1987
to the agreement about scientific and technical cooperation between Computer Center and VMNUC VTI.
Covering letter, L. N. Sumarokov->A.P. Ershov, 30.06.1987
to the analytical material on the scientific and technical programs of USA, of countries of West Europe and Japan.
Covering letter, L. N. Sumarokov->A.P. Ershov, 25.05.1987
to the survey by Yu.M.Gornostaev and V.I.Drozhzhinov.
Covering letter, I. Sildmae->A.P. Ershov, 30.05.1987
The author sends his book "Znanie"("Knowledge") and will be grateful for remarks.
Covering letter, Unknown Author->A.P. Ershov, 04.05.1987
to digests on informatics. The autor's paper is located in one of them.
Information letter, A. A. Samarsky ->A.P. Ershov, 20.03.1987
Scientific Council on "Mathematical Simulation" supposes to hold Seminar in October 1987 "Mathematical Simulation and programmelogy: fields of contacting". The addressee is requested before the 1st of May to inform about a possibility of his participation and to express his opinion about Seminar (dates, program and invited specialists).
Information Letter, Organizing Committee->A.P. Ershov, 01.03.1987(?)
The Organizing Committee informs the addressee that the annual conference on the programming technology will take place in Leningrad from 16 to 19 November, 1987.
Invoice, 18.08.1987
for sending proceedings of Institute of Precise Mechanics and Computer Engineering.
Invoice, 02.02.1987
on sending listed proceedings of the Institute of Precise Mechanics and Computer Engineering (cash on delivery).
Letter, A.I. Sharaenko->A.P. Ershov, 09.11.1987
Request to draw a rough list of the laboratory works planned for 1988-98 in order to make up an engineering department schedule for this period
Letter, V. M. Savinkov->A.P. Ershov, 18.03.1987
The author sends a regular issue of "Problems of Informatics" and informs of regular news. /Handwritten text./
Letter, G. G. Chakhmakhchev->A.P. Ershov, 09.04.1987
Administrative department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR informs that full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences have a right to use deputy rooms of the all railway stations on the territory of the USSR.
Letter, N. A. Krinitsky->A.P. Ershov, 09.04.1987
The author thanks the addressee for the reading of the article "Algorithmic analyze of mixed computations" and for his remarks. The author disagrees on the appraisal of one of the goals of his article and argues his position. He appreciates if the addressee will keeps him informed of the new results on mixed computations.
Letter, Yu.N. Vershinin->A.P. Ershov, 04.05.1987
Request to the addressee to tell his opinion on the contract between Physicotechnical Institute of Presidium of the Ural Scientific Center of the USSR Ac. Sci. and Hungary.
Letter, M.Ya. Arest->A.P. Ershov, 03.05.1987
A request to the addressee to name the people in the USSR who develop application packages for decision of routine problems on mathematics, phisics chemistry, etc. and to point out the books dealing with this theme. /Handwritten text./
Letter, E.F. Loschenkova->A.P. Ershov, 24.06.1987
The author informs that the addressee is sent the last book by the Soviet Scientists' Committee "Cosmic weapon: dilemma of security".
Letter, Meshkov ->A.P. Ershov, 25.06.1987
The author informs about sending promotional materials of production of Student research-and-production group of mathematician-programmers of MIEMA "Prometey".
Letter, A. P. Stolboushkin->A.P. Ershov, 08.07.1987
The author informs of sending of the first information letter about the Conference LICS-88. He asks the addressee's permission to include his name and address in a special file for an annual distribution of such letters.

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