Note, 04.02.1970 Dear speaker!
You fight for creation of some programming center for the development of software and automated management systems.
But isn't it a part of your functional duties? In that case I ask you to illustrate your organization concern. Why are you trying to burden NICEVT with alien functions?
Question, 04.02.1970sn't a big range of languages and variants of library organization a consequence of software creation lag behind computer building?
Note to the Chairman, 06.02.1970
I suggest including in the conference resolution a point about quite insufficient attention to research in machine graphics, and also a recommendation to VKP-3 to organize the work in more narrow sections:
linguistics, operation systems, etc.
Question, 04.02.1970Dear Mr. Chairman!
Don't you think that Mr. Shura-Bura's talk obviously manifests the thought about appropriateness of disengagement between science and practice in the subjects touched upon in his presentation? We think that science feeds on practice's ideas and tests its results by practice. An example: research under Academician Glushkov supervision. We'd like to know your opinion.
A group of "practice men"
Note, D. M. Frumin->A.P. Ershov, 06.02.1970To the chairman
Can the speaker or the Organizing Committee Chairman briefly inform us how the recommendations of VKP1 have been carried out?
Frumin, Krasnoyarsk
Note, 06.02.1970Dear Chairman!
Let me make a suggestion for the future.
For VKP-3 I suggest the following:
1) Strictly differentiate the sections' subject matters (e.g. OS, compiler systems, automated system control, etc.)
2) To make short reports (10-15 min) instead of long talks
3) Conference pre-proceedings in the form of a book of short abstracts should be distributed among the participants in advance.
This work style should significantly increase conference capacity.
Tsvetkov, NPTO "Lenelektromash"
Note, 04.02.1970To the panelists:
Do you think that the Basic Language Machine developed by Iliffe (ICL) is a step in right direction from the point of view of operating systems and compiler writing?
Note, 04.02.1970To the discussion participants:
3. How efficient in your opinion is N. Wirth's PL-360 as a higher level language compared with assembler for software systems development?
4. What other languages for these purposes exist?
Note, 04.02.1970What is your estimation of evolution prospects of automatic compiler generation systems based on syntax and semantics definition of
a) input languages
b) output languages
Note, 04.02.1970Won't the discussants agree that the forecasts for the 70s had too little influence of the 80s undoubtedly to come? For example, non-algorithmic programming methods, the influence of multiprocessor systems, parallelism in languages of all levels, etc.
Note, 04.02.1970To the panelists:
How interesting and useful is the idea of "ILLIAC-IV"? How promising is this direction? Will this direction make substantial changes in programming languages? If it will, how substantial the changes will be?
Note, 04.02.1970What are the development prospects for 70s in such an important and enticing field as heuristic programming and artificial thinking?
Note to the Presidium, 04.02.1970Please read out the following thesis:
"Research coordination in the field of software is lacking not only on an all-industry scale but even among the Academy of science institutes".
Do the meeting members consider it worth being recorded in VKP-2 summary?
(Too much signatures)
Note, 04.02.1970For how long, in your opinion, will Algol-60 language be still topical and live in the USSR and abroad?
Note, 04.02.19701. Are there special unsolved problems in theoretical programming? Please formulate these problems.
2. What kind on mathematicians (as regards to their specialization) you want to win over to programming field?
Questions, 02.02.19701. Why the conference subject matter doesn't include anything like a subject that may be conventionally called like " On paralleling of algorithms and programs in homogeneous computer systems"?
2. (Not for public) According to the "Dictionary of Russian Spelling" the word "obespech'enie" is inadmissible; one should pronounce it as "obesp'echenie".
Note, 02.02.1970Will the subject of CAM software be included in VKP agenda?
CAM software developer
Note, 02.02.19701. At the last (the 1st) conference "good" decisions were taken. Please tell, what specifically was done for their implementation and by whom.
2. Nearly 1/4 of the (second) conference talks were devoted to an OS and USP by IAM of the USSR AS - a system that have not yet pass even a pilot stage. How does it conform to the talk selection principle explained earlier by the Program Committee Chairman?
Note, 04.02.1970I see a big danger in keenness on teaching algorithmic and formal methods. Great computer resources expect from a man a full-scale use and development of informal, non-trivial, figurative ways of thinking.
(Signature illegible)
Questions, 04.02.19701. Would you agree that fundamental difficulties in programming would be solved only with the help of a detailed "mathematical-philosophical" analysis of such philosophical categories as INFORMATION, GOAL, etc.?
2. What mathematical notions would prove the most useful in defining the notions like "kernel language", "universal language", etc.?
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