Collaboration with the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry
Novosibirsk Branch of the IPM CE
Scientific and Technical Board
Notification, 24.01.1986
Notification, 07.02.1986
Notice, 14.03.1986
Notice, 28.03.1986
Notice, 11.04.1986
Notification, 28.11.1986
Notification, 12.12.1986
Notification, 26.12.1986
Notification, 23.01.1987
Notification, 27.11.1987
Notification, 30.11.1987
Notification, 18.03.1988
Notification, 01.04.1988
Notification, 15.04.1988
Notification, 06.05.1988
Notification, 10.06.1988

Initial order | In alphabetical order | By date

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