IFIP/TC 2/WG 2.1
WG 2.1 16th Meeting
Membership Mailing List, 05.04.1972
of WG 2.1.
Extra Mailing List, 05.04.1972
of WG 2.1.
Informal Minutes, 26.02.1973
of the Meeting.
Letter with Attachment, 30.03.1972
Circular letter to A68-III members about the next WG 2.1 meeting to be held on April 1972. The author urges addressees to fill the attached form (III doc. 20.0) with their reaction on the revision of Algol 68 and reminds them the previous questionnaire (III Progress Report I, doc. 9) not yet answered by everybody.
Covering Letter, 27.04.1972
for a paper representing commentary on "the Fontainebleau proposals". The author asserts also that a complete overhaul of Algok 68 is needed.
Letter with Attachments, 22.10.1972
Circular letter to A68-III members after the Vienna WG 2.1 meeting. The attachments contain: 1) A new copy of the III mailing list with identification numbers of III members. 2) The result of an inquiry on Algol 68 activity. 3) A copy of some working papers of the Vienna meeting including the report on considerations of the Fontainebleau meeting, which concern improvements to Algol 68.
Letter, I. O. Kerner->A.P. Ershov, 16.05.1972

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