



                                                                                        November 18, 1969


                                                                                To the Chief of Department

                                                                                 Of State secrets protection

                                                                         attached to Novosibirsk regional

                                                                                executive committee (Obllit)

                                                                                                       A.K. Bagina



                            Dear Anastasia Konstantinovna!


The 2-nd All-Union conference in Programming will be held in Novosibirsk, February 3-6,
1970. The SBASUSSR Computing Center is charged with conducting of the conference
and, in particular, rotaprint publication of proceedings. The conference proceeding, which
should be printed and handled to the participants at registration, should be published in
the form of a series of booklets combining papers by sections.


All papers are submitted to the Organizing committee in the form of two camera-ready
copies (except for page numbers) together with the documents authorizing their
publication (expert opinion report issued at the author’s place of employment, and
certificate of authorship). In all we should publish 50 papers and 15 short reports, total of
about 50-60 units of 40,000 ens.


Taking into account extreme undertime for Proceedings preparation we ask you for the

1.      To give permission to accept the papers for Obllit evaluation as they arrive, without
       waiting for collection of all papers constituting a separate booklet, in order that
       formal authorization could be obtained almost right away after a booklet completion.

2.      To render you assistance in making Obllit evaluation as prompt as possible.


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences                                    A.P. Ershov,

VKP-2 Organizing Committee Chairman


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