Second announcement



                                            Second All-Union Conference in Programming

                                          Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok 3-6 February 1970


                                                            Second Announcement


In reply to your letter N ________ of ___________1969 in which you apply for participation, VKP-
2 Organizing Committee informs you that ___ invitations can be provided to your institution.

We urge you to send us a name list of VKP-2 participants from your institution and the address for
posting invitations no later that 1 December 1969.

Each VKP-2 participant should pay registration fee of 10 roubles that covers hotel reservations, a
book of proceedings to be handed to participants at registrations, and social events. Registration fee
should be sent using a postal order form enclosed and must be received by organizing committee no
later that 15 December 1969
. The form must contain participant’s full name.

Invitations will be sent to the addresses indicated by you on 2 January 1970.

 If some of the VKP-2 speakers work in your institution, their list is enclosed to this letter. The
number of invitations provided to your institution includes speakers. Since speakers receive personal
invitation from program and organizing committees, we urge you to assist them in arranging their
business trip. Speakers are required to pay the standard registration fee.


______ October 1969


                VKP-2 Organizing Committee Chairman

                Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences



The Organizing Committee address:

Novosibirsk 90

Computing Center

VKP-2 Organizing Committee




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