
To Presidium of the Second All-Union Conference on Programming

Not being able to attend the conference personally, 
I send my greetings and wishes of every success to all participants. 
At the same time I'm feeling obliged to make my observations on improvement 
of our common cause - the programming.

1. Programming as scientific discipline has passed a "diaper" stage and needs 
some grown-up independence. As early as at this conference it is possible 
to solve a problem of an All-Union Programmers Society creation 
(there are teachers societies, etc., aren't they?). 
Programming needs its own journal, not only occasional, 
half-legal etc. article collections. It would be advisable to organize 
such a journal attached to "Nauka" publishers with the rights of "Transactions".
The conference could recommend 10-15 people known to every programmer 
(from Ershov and Dorodnitsyn to M.A. Korolev and Stolyarov) as the Society 
organizing committee and the journal editorial board.

2. Taking into account the need in qualified programmers, 
the conference could declare the training of such specialists 
in higher school insufficient. So it is possible to recommend 
to the USSR Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education not to issue 
certificates of degree in Engineering in some fields to the graduates 
without necessary skills in computer use for problem solving. 
In the long run it would be useful to introduce in schools the algorithmic 
languages and the elements of programming disciplines for senior pupils. 
For this purpose by now it is possible to announce competitions for textbooks 
and special manuals in programming.

Yours sincerely - V.Savinkov



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