

0. I would like to notice that the statements of the discussion participants 
    have a common kernel. But they also contain extensions in many 
    different directions.

1. Prof. Bolliet's statement suggests an idea that a person is forced 
   to adapt oneself to computers from his school days. As Prof. Shura-Bura noted, 
   it is a sad but true fact. But this is the nature of not only our age. 
   Computer is a part of the environment a human builds and has to adjust 
   to during all the human history.
   From this point of view, our role, the role of true programmers, 
   is to facilitate humanity in adjusting to the computer-including environment.

2. Automation of program verification mentioned by Prof. McCarthy is important. 
   But the main difficulty lies not so much in proof of correctness as 
   in formal specification of the expected program result - a thing 
   we are going to verify.

3. Prof. Tihle was true noting that mathematical logic together with 
   its various branches forms a theoretical basis of programming. 
   But mathematical results usually make an impression on practice 
   not directly but through a number of so-called precise and applied sciences.
   Programming and its theory is just a bridge between mathematical logic and 
   the people who solve problems.


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