Documents associated with Edwin B. Hassler

Letter, Ch. J. Shaw->E.B.Hassler, 07.03.1968
The author will send copies of the addressee's thesis to the other members of the Editorial Board. If they decide to publish it, the addressee must to prepair a final draft about a month later.
Letter on a Form, E.B.Hassler->Ch. J. Shaw, 27.02.1968
The author thanks for the letter of February 14. He intends to update his paper and wants to know the deadlines.
Letter on a Form, 07.03.1968
The author sends copies of three just-received contributions to ARAP Volume 6, informs on editorial responsibility for deciding on the publishability for each of the papers.
Letter on a Form, L. Bolliet->Ch. J. Shaw, 17.04.1968
The author informs that the Hassler's paper on compilers is "quite valuable as PhD. Dissertation but I don't think it should be considered for publication in ARAP"
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->E.B.Hassler, 30.04.1968
The author, referring to an expert opinion, informs about a nonacceptance of the addressee's paper. The reviewer suggests the first part of the paper to submit for publication in a technical monthly journal.

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