Documents associated with Maya M. Bezhanova

of E. Kostolansky's visit to Novosibirsk
Item 1. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 1. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Article, 20.01.1975
List, 06.09.1969
of developers responsible for compiler blocks development
of urgent measures consisting of 7 sublists
List, 19.01.1977
Resolution, 22.03.1972-29.03.1972
on organization of Interim Commission on programming languages unification
Plan of work
Business trips plan, 09.07.1965
for the 2nd half year of 1965
Working notes, 15.01.1966(?)
The intermediate version of the language. The typewritten text corrected by hand
Work plan, A.P. Ershov->M. M. Lavrentiev..., 29.12.1984
for 1985 of the development group working on the practical part of the "Programming" course
Item 4. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Memorandum ¹ 1, 16.12.1971
"On the structure of software system"
Working notes, 15.02.1966(?)
The second version of the language. The typewritten text
Minutes, 10.10.1980-01.03.1982
Proposals, 29.06.1981
on optional courses and seminars "systematization" for improvement of quality of 3-5th-year students' education
on the work of M.M.Bezhanova.
Memo, M. M. Bezhanova->A.P. Ershov, 23.11.1984
concerning the problems with the "Computer software" course

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