Documents associated with Valeri V. Grushetsky

Letter, A.P. Ershov->G. E.Tseitlin, 02.06.1975
Release BETA/M-17, 12.01.1973
Letter, A.P. Ershov->V. E. Kotov, 22.07.1974
In reply to the letter of June 6. Acount of the department's news, and of the author's plans
Decision, 30.03.1976
Letter with attachment, G.G. Stepanov->W. Issel, 29.11.1974
Order, 11.09.1973
Review, 13.06.1972
Letter, G. E.Tseitlin ->A.P. Ershov, 20.01.1975
Favorable comments on the paper by V.V. Grushetskiy “Syntactic structures”; the author’s opinion on this matter.
Letter, E. V. Nikol'sky->A.P. Ershov, 03.11.1976
Reviewer's Report, V. V. Grushetsky->A.P. Ershov, 01.02.1980
by V.Grushetsky on M.Jazayeri's paper.

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