Documents associated with Leonid B. Efros

Working plan, 25.11.1980
Item 9. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Review, 03.12.1984
of the Pilot Project of the MRAMOR 2nd stage
Item 9. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Telrgram, I.V. Pottosin->Unknown addressee..., 11.01.1978
Notice, 18.04.1981
Minutes, 04.09.1970
Notice, 17.06.1983
Memo (draft), A.P. Ershov->Yu. L. Ershov, 28.08.1975
Item 10. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Report, 20.11.1980(?)
Photograph, 21.05.1981
Participants of the 6th CSS session in Novosibirsk: V.Sabelfeld (second from the left), G.Plotnikova (5th from the left), L.Efros (6th from the left)
Program, 16.03.1972-17.03.1972
of G.Kozhukhin funeral
Letter (hand-written), A. O. Buda ->A.P. Ershov, 11.10.1979
Pilot Project, 26.10.1973
Decision, 04.10.1980
Letter, A.P. Ershov->J. McKehan, 19.07.1978
A.Ershov replies to a circular letter of May 26. Here are some additions to the list of invitees for the Berchtesgaden Working Conference.
Reviewer's Report, L. B. Efros->A.P. Ershov, 08.02.1980
by L.Efros on S.Bandyopadhyay's paper.

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