Documents associated with Sergei L. Sobolev

Report note, A.P. Ershov->S. L. Sobolev, 11.11.1963
Letter, S. L. Sobolev->A.P. Ershov, 18.11.1976
Letter, A. P. Merenkov ->A.P. Ershov, 15.07.1960
Discussion of some problems in connection with his move to Akademgorodok.
Letter, S. L. Sobolev->M. A. Lavrentiev, 15.04.1961
Application for sending A.P. Ershov to Poland to take part in the Conference on the methods of automatic programming
Character reference, 20.02.1961
in connection with the trip to England
Extract from the minutes, 07.09.1963
of the USSR SBAS Institute of Mathematics and Computing Center's Scientific Council Meeting on giving to A.P. Ershov the academic status of senior researcher in mathematical logics and programming.
Character reference, 21.11.1961
in connection with defending the Candidate of Sciences thesis
Shorthand record, 04.05.1967
of the Specialized Council session for the defence of Ershov's doctoral thesis
Report note, B.A. Zagatsky->S. L. Sobolev..., 01.12.1961
Letter, S. L. Sobolev->A.P. Ershov, 02.04.1982
Letter with attachment, A.P. Ershov->I. I. Scheglov, 20.01.1975(?)
Order, 21.11.1964
Covering letter, S. S. Kryukov->A.P. Ershov, 04.02.1964
Item 12. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 12. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 12. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Decision, V. A. Kotelnikov->A.P. Ershov, 13.06.1974
Decision, 24.12.1975
Information, 04.03.1975
Agenda, S. L. Sobolev->A.P. Ershov..., 27.10.1971

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