Documents associated with Valeri V. Grushetsky

Paper abstract
"Methods of decomposition and optimization in a multilanguage programming system" submitted to the conference "Programming languages semantics formalization and compilers construction" (GDR, Frankfurt-on-Oder, September 22-28, 1974)
Letter, A.P. Ershov->S. S. Lavrov, 14.04.1971
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->L. D. Raikov, 31.01.1974
Item 11. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Character reference, 15.01.1975
Letter, 28.03.1978
List, 15.03.1977
of references on the subject
Notification, 24.01.1979
Paper draft, 01.07.1974-25.07.1974
"Methods of decomposition and optimization in a multilanguage programming system" submitted to the conference "Programming languages semantics formalization and compilers construction" (GDR, Frankfurt-on-Oder, September 22-28, 1974)
Memo, A.P. Ershov->G. I. Marchuk..., 16.01.1979
Seminar /S-15, 04.02.1971
Paper reprint
"Methods of decomposition and optimization in a multilanguage programming system" from the journal "Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik" 11 (1975) 4 - 6; in Russian
Information, 16.02.1979
Seminar BETA/S-17, 18.02.1971
Letter, 25.11.1976(?)
Seminar BETA/S-18, 25.02.1971
Seminar BETA/S-19, 11.03.1971
Notification, G. R. Kontarev->A.P. Ershov, 16.02.1979
Article draft, 14.09.1974
"Metaprocessors for the universal programming processor"

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