Documents associated with Vsevolod S. Shtarkman

Covering letter, A.P. Ershov->V. S. Shtarkman, 31.08.1972
Letter, A.P. Ershov->A. A. Dorodnitsyn, 12.10.1967
Telegram, V. S. Shtarkman->A.P. Ershov, 24.10.1967
Letter (hand-written), V. S. Shtarkman->A.P. Ershov, 02.12.1979
Letter, A.P. Ershov->D. E. Knuth, 31.08.1972
notification of V.S. Shtarkman being the editor of the Knuth’s 1st volume; his address
Note, V. S. Shtarkman->A.P. Ershov, 15.05.1969
Concern about not having received a journal
Letter, A.P. Ershov->B. V. Shabat, 25.10.1972(?)
Letter, A.P. Ershov->D. E. Knuth, 14.07.1976
Thanks for the letter and the manuscript of the paper on first compilers; humble request to read and polish his translation of the "Formation of Programming in the USSR"; discussing the possibility of Prof. Knuth's visit to the USSR
Letter, A.P. Ershov->I. N. Molchanov, 15.10.1968
Item 90. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, V. S. Shtarkman->A.P. Ershov, 07.05.1981
with congratulations from Vsevolod Shtarkman. (With a hand-written Ershov's explanatory remark addressed to his mother.)
Letter, A.P. Ershov->A. A. Dorodnitsyn, 12.10.1967
on organization of the panel "Communication between computer users and manufacturers" in the framework of the IFIP-68 Congress
"OS IPM monitor"
Covering letter, V. S. Shtarkman->A.P. Ershov, 16.06.1969
to the issue of "IBM System Journal" being returned.
Item 102. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, A.P. Ershov->V. S. Shtarkman, 14.11.1967
Letter, A.P. Ershov->A. A. Dorodnitsyn, 14.11.1967
"OS IPM supervisor"
Item 114. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, A.P. Ershov->V. I. Burkov, 26.12.1967
Plan of operation and allocation of responsibilities between the working group members in preparation of the report to SCST on the state of computer software in USSR

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