Documents associated with Acta Informatica

Letter, W. Niegel->A.P. Ershov, 10.10.1977
Letter, A.P. Ershov->W. Niegel, 09.11.1977
Letter, Yu. F. Strods->M. Broy, 24.03.1987
Letter, W. Niegel->A.P. Ershov, 11.04.1978
Letter, A.P. Ershov->M. Paul, 13.07.1978
Referee's report, 05.09.1978
Covering letter, W. Niegel->A.P. Ershov, 19.02.1976
to a manuscript that should be rewiewed in 6 weeks, if possible, or returned.
Memo, W. M. Turski->A. J. Perlis, 01.11.1982
Proposals on the contents of Acta Informatica, editor-in-chief's rights and duties, submissions passing procedure
Letter, A.P. Ershov->M. Broy, 01.12.1982
Letter, A.P. Ershov->W. Niegel, 19.02.1974
Letter, M. Broy->A.P. Ershov, 24.01.1984
Letter, M. Broy->A.P. Ershov, 21.02.1984
Letter, W. Niegel->A.P. Ershov, 28.02.1976
Request for Ershov's final decision on a paper by H. Scheidig.
Form, 07.03.1973
Letter, M. Broy->A.P. Ershov, 10.09.1984
Minutes, E. W. Dijkstra ->D. Gries..., 08.08.1984
of the paper by M.Miyakawa submitted to Acta Informatica
Materials, 06.08.1984
Letter, A.P. Ershov->M. Broy, 17.08.1984

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