Documents associated with Vladimir A. Valkovsky

Abstracts, 01.07.1985(?)
of the five papers submitted to the regional conference "Microprocessor systems and personal computers", Smolensk, 1985
Cover, 13.03.1980-02.09.1980
of urgent measures consisting of 7 sublists
Congratulation, A. S. Narin'yany ->A.P. Ershov..., 18.04.1981
from Novosibirsk colleagues, "coffee-clubbers". (With a hand-written Ershov's explanatory remark addressed to his mother. The list of authors does not contain persons not identified by their signatures.)
Minutes ¹8 and Shorthand Record, 10.12.1976
Item 3. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Covering letter, A.P. Ershov->V. M. Glushkov, 12.02.1971
Referee's report, 05.06.1980
Agenda, 19.01.1988
Minutes, 10.10.1980-01.03.1982
Working Notes, 03.11.1984
made in preparation and during the seminar "Logis and programming"
Item 6. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Visit Programme, 01.09.1979(?)
Letter, A.P. Ershov->A. A. Letichevsky, 30.12.1971
about V.Val'kovsky's article for "Kibernetika" journal
Report, 16.11.1981
Personal plan, 01.10.1970-30.09.1973
Review, 01.11.1974
Råview, 24.12.1974
Photograph, 01.11.1973(?)
Celebration of the 15-th anniversary of the department of programming.

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